Latvian Church
About UsOnce a month, the Lansing Latvian Ev. Lutheran Congregation holds a worship service at ULC. The Latvian congregation serves parishioners of Latvian-American origin, as well as Latvian-American students from local university and college campuses, and anyone else interested in attending. Services are conducted monthly in Latvian by minister Aija Graham.
The Lansing Latvian Congregation was founded in the 1950’s; today it has more than 40 members and many supporters from the Latvian and American communities in this area. The Lansing Latvian-American community’s goals are to preserve its ethnic traditions and promote a friendly atmosphere. Other activities for Latvian-Americans in this area include social, educational and sports groups and organizations. Other Latvian-American churches and organizations are located in the nearby cities of Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and Saginaw. For more information please contact: Rev. Aija Graham: [email protected] Girts Austrins: [email protected] Ligita Kepitis: [email protected] |
About Us (Latvian)Lansingas ev. luteriskās draudzes dievkalpojumi notiek katru mēnesi University Lutheran Church, 1020 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing, MI 48823, netālu no Michigan State University . Draudzē sastāv Lansingas un apkaimes latviešu izcelsmes locekļi, viņu amerikāņu piederīgie un latviešu izcelsmes studenti no vietejām universitātēm un koledžām. Dievkalpojumi notiek vienreiz mēnesī latviešu valodā. Kalpo māc. Aija Graham, draudzes prieksnieks Ģirts Austriņš.
Latviešu draudze dibināta aizritējušā gadsimta 50jos gados; pašlaik draudzē ir vairāk nekā 40 locekļu. Lai saglabātu savas tautiskās tradicijas, veicinātu draudzību un izglītību, Lansingā darbojas vairākas latviešu sabiedriskās un sporta grupas un organizācijas. Piemēram, reizi mēnesī lansingieši tiekas “Tautiskās virtuves vakarā”, kur bauda latviskus ēdienus, bet katru septembri lansingieši rīko golfa turnīru, kurā ierodas golfisti no apkaimes un tālienes. Lansingas apkartnē darbojas latviešu draudzes un biedrības Detroitā, Grandrapidos, Kalamazū un Saginavā. Vairāk informāciju var saņemt pa epastu: Māc. Aija Graham: [email protected] Girts Austrins: [email protected] Ligita Kepitis: [email protected] Service ScheduleServices are typically held on the second Sunday of the month at 3:00 pm (2020 Latvian Service Schedule) To confirm any last minute schedule changes, please consult the ULC Calendar.