Sunday Forum and other Bible Studies
Sunday Forum
Tuesday Morning Text StudyMembers and friends meet weekly via Zoom on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 am to review liturgical texts for the upcoming Sunday. Contact Larry Wagenknecht for Zoom meeting code.
Faith, Writing & ReflectionPub TheologyJoin us in person on the last Tuesday of the month from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. We discuss four or five questions involving spiritual topics, philosophy, life, and theology. Contact Jay Dubois-Jones for more information.
Saturday Morning Bible Study |
Lectio Divina (Silent Prayer and Contemplation)
Lectio Divina meets weekly via Zoom on Wednesdays at 12 noon for silent prayer and contemplation. Contact Bill Trevarthen for Zoom meeting code.
New Member Classes
New member classes are held throughout the year. New members meet with the pastoral staff for a "Lutheran Refresher" for those new to the Lutheran faith (as well as those wishing a refresher), and are welcomed to the congregation on "New Member Sundays."
God's peace to you,
Pr. Emily
God's peace to you,
Pr. Emily