(6th-8th Grade)
Confirmation at ULC is a two year program, typically for 7th and 8th grade youth, whereby students Affirm their Baptism and become adult voting members in our congregation.
Middle school youth gather with our pastors for Learning Events, Fellowship, and Service opportunities throughout the year. In Confirmation, students learn about the love of God in Christ through the lens of our Lutheran faith. Engaging with one another through the study of scripture, the creeds, and the Ten Commandments, together our students and pastors explore the order of worship, opportunities in social justice, asking bold questions, and listening faithfully.
Youth are encouraged to connect in the wider church through local and national gatherings, including Living Water Ministries and the ELCA National Youth Gathering. To offset the costs of camps and trips, our youth and families organize congregation and community fund-raising projects and park cars for MSU home football games.
Contact us for more information